As we shipped last month DPCalendar 10.0.0 and the other extensions with big architecture changes in our build system, this release window contains mainly stability changes and a couple of nice improvements. Beside that is a first beta version of DPAnalytics shipped to selected testers.
Following our established release strategy, we are excited to announce a new feature version of DPCalendar and bugfix one for DPMedia, DPAttachments and DPCases, as it is the fourth Thursday of the month. Today, we are releasing the following updates:
- DPCalendar 10.1.0 [Download]
- DPMedia 1.15.3 [Download]
- DPAttachments 5.7.4 [Download]
- DPCases 3.7.4 [Download]
The next chapters are highlighting some of the most important changes in this release window.
DPAnalytics preview
After a year of work on DPAnalytics, which will be the successor of GAnalytics, we finally are happy to announce that the first beta of version 1.0.0. This version is only available for a selected list of our clients. The final release will be published to the public in the next months, as we still need to iron out some issues and implement missing features.
DPAnalytics itself is a package which integrates different user tracking providers like Matomo or Google analytics. Additionally it comes with it's own tracking plugin that stores the data locally in the Joomla database. Which should be inline with any restrict privacy policy as no data leaves your Joomla site. It's heart is to either track visitors and display their data in the back.

DPAnalytics comes also with a bunch of modules to display individual widgets in the back end or front end. This data is aggregated from the configured tracking plugin. If you have Matomo or Google analytics enabled, then an API is call made to their respective server and no JS is loaded from them. The widgets are rendered locally within iframes.
This architecture setup is borrowed from Matomo, as they use the same technique.

DPCalendar: Stability
DPCalendar 10.0.0 got a lot of changes in the database structure and output. So we shipped a first batch of fixes which mainly improves the stability. Beside that we added some smaller new features to make the DPCalendar experience even more fascinating. Some of these features we would like to highlight here:
- CSS files are loaded with dynamic imports and not anymore with our custom loader, this gives the whole process a massive performance boost
- Support multiselect in back end lists (is currently broken in Joomla 5.2.2 for all extensions, patch will be shipped with Joomla 5.2.3)
- Location search queries will be cached in Joomla and can be deleted in the global cache manager
- There is a new option in the upcoming module where images can be hidden, there is no need for an override anymore

We are eager to improve our extensions on a regular basis. That's why every major/feature release does contain also bug fixes and small enhancements as well to improve the stability and performance.
A full changelog is added in the respective download release description on our download site.
Kind regards
Allon Moritz aka laoneo
Founder of Digital Peak