This month we added small enhancements to DPMedia, DPCalendar and DPAttachments which will make the life of Joomla admins much more easier. Beside that, DPMedia is also split into individual packages to lower the amount of installed plugins.
Read more: DPMedia resize improvements and core field enhancements
This month we put our focus on extensibility. DPCalendar comes with four new plugins and DPAttachments can be integrated at a deeper level, by providing more Joomla event hooks. With version 8.6.0 we took out all the integration plugins from the DPCalendar packages and deliver them standalone to get smaller installation bundles.
This month we have some exciting new features ready for you. DPCalendar got certificate support and has new Joomla core scheduler tasks while DPAttachments can do now uploads in article forms.
Read more: Certificate support, more tasks and attachments uploads in forms
Since years we have a well defined release strategy. Every fourth Thursday in month a patch release and in May and November a new feature release is shipped. As DPMedia landed in our portfolio, we tried something new. This change will now be expanded on all of our extensions.
This month we have a new DPMedia filesystem plugin for you which displays references for media files in the Joomla core media manager. Beside that we have improved the booking workflow in DPCalendar and added a new task plugin to DPCases. Read on for more details about these exciting new features.