Today is a big day in history of Digital Peak. We are releasing two new major versions, a minor and a patch release. Read on for more information what got changed in DPCases, DPAttachments, DPMedia and DPCalendar.
The first feature release of DPCalendar and DPMedia, after Joomla 4 was released, has been shipped today. DPCalendar 8.2 offers a REST endpoint in Joomla 4, neatly integrated with the new core webservice feature. Beside that some improvements are done in the booking process and menu items.
DPMedia is slimmer and contains now a Joomla filesystem plugin which integrates another Joomla 4.1 web sites media data into the media manager. Read on for more information about the release.
Since the beginning are 3rd party extensions an important part of the Joomla ecosystem. In recent years there is an attitude of some people who are active in the core development involved, that the base CMS should be filled with functionality an external extension can do. This is very harmful for Joomla.
At J and Beyond 2016 we started with Joomla 4 as last attempt after some have failed in the past. Today the stable version is going to be released, let's celebrate it!!
A half year after the 8.0 major release, this here is the first minor release with some cool new features. The biggest ones are the timeline calendar view and the waiting list option for events. Read on for more information about DPCalendar 8.1.
Read more: DPCalendar 8.1: Excellent event management for Joomla