The ticket system of DPCalendar is a part of its the booking system. It is possible to book multiple tickets per price option and you can set different restrictions and discount offerings like earlybird date ranges. The tickets do have different settings in the DPCalendar options where you can control the appearance and features like QR code generation.
The booking system generates for every ticket a PDF which can be downloaded and is also sent when the booking was created. This PDF and the ticket details page do show a barcode image which can be scanned by the guards on the event entrance. After the barcode is scanned in the ticket get marked as checked in and can't be reused a second time. Like that you can control who did enter the event location.
The guard needs to be logged in on your web site and needs to be the author of the event or needs to have admin permissions of DPCalendar to actually check in the ticket. The ticket needs to be active, means paid to be able to check in a ticket, otherwise an error will be thrown and the check in denied.
Is a ticket checked in, then is the attendee able to download a certificate for it, when enabled in the DPCalendar options. More about certificates can be found in the Certificates article.
It is very likely that a site needs a different style for the ticket PDF. A site admin can achieve this with a layout override, to be update safe. The output of the ticket details is generated from the layout stored in /components/com_dpcalendar/layouts/ticket/details.php. If you have a special requirement, then you can make a template override and copy that file into the folder /templates/{{your template}}/html/layouts/com_dpcalendar/ticket. It is possible to use a limited set of CSS properties for styling. Keep in mind that the template classes like the ones from Bootstrap are not available, as the page is rendered outside of the Joomla rendering process.
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