
#10996 Eventbrite plugin

Parent Category:
Calendar plugins
Last Updated:
Allon Moritz, Wednesday, 21 August 2024 08:55
Tuesday, 30 July 2024 19:50

This feature is part of the DPCalendar Professional subscription.
SubscribePHP 8Joomla 4.4Joomla 5


The Eventbrite calendar plugin integrates events from Eventbrite organizations into DPCalendar through a plugin. To get a bigger picture how external calendars are handled inside DPCalendar read the article Integration/Import external calendars.

The easiest way is to import your Eventbrite organizations to make them accessible in DPCalendar. To be able to import the calendars you need to first get the OAuth credentials as described in the steps below. You will need to have an Eventbrite account in order to gain access to the developer area and import your Eventbrite organizations.

Create OAuth consumer

  • Log in on Eventbrite with your Eventbrite credentials and navigate to the API keys in the Developer section of your account settings.
  • Click on "Create API Key"".
  • Setup your details with a first and last name. In the "Application Details" section set the url name and description of your Joomla based web site. As redirect uri set something like https://{website url}/administrator/index.php?option=com_dpcalendar&task=plugin.action&dpplugin=eventbrite&action=import.
  • Hit "Create Key".
Eventbrite API key

Import the Eventbrite organizations

After registration you should see a success message and you're newly created API key should be available with information.

  • Click on the import button in the plugin edit form.
  • Copy your client id and client secret obtained from the Eventbrite website into the DPCalendar import wizard.
  • Click the "Import" button.
  • The organizations should be imported into the DPCalendar Eventbrite plugin.

DPCalendar Options

These settings are the same for every calendar configured in the plugin.

Organization ID [Type: Text]
The organization ID.
Access token [Type: Text]
The access token is used to authenticate against Eventbrite.
Client ID [Type: Text]
The client ID from the Eventbrite account settings to authenticate. Please check the documentation for more information.
Client Secret [Type: Text]
The client secret Eventbrite account settings to authenticate. Please check the documentation for more information.

Plugin Options

Caching [Type: List] [Default: Joomla]
Select whether to cache the calendar data.
The following options are available:
  1. Joomla
  2. Database
  3. Never
Cache Time [Type: Text] [Default: 900]
The time for the cache in sec.
Sync Start [Type: Text] [Default: -3 year]
The relative start date to sync from.
Sync End [Type: Text] [Default: +3 year]
The relative end date to sync from.
Sync Steps [Type: Text] [Default: 1 year]
The sync steps.

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