The Jitsi plugin extends native events with Jitsi online conferencing functionality. Means you can add a meeting room and password to a DPCalendar event and then it is possible to join the meeting directly from within DPCalendar.
Jitsi is an open source project and can be installed on every server. So you can run it on your own domain to ensure full privacy for your participants. As default, the domain of the official Jitsi server is used to have ready to use meeting functionality. In hte DPCalendar Jitsi plugin you can create a new calendar per domain or the official Jitsi domain This allows you to setup unlimited different Jitsi servers on your web site.
When the Jitsi plugin is activated and the author edits or creates an event, then there is a new Jitsi tab available to connect the event with a Jitsi meeting. You can then setup the meeting room name, password and jitsi domain.
"Only tickets" defines if there is an active ticket needed to join the meeting, keep in mind that this setting is ignored for the author and super admins. The user groups setting restricts access to the meeting to certain user groups.
Is an event is connected with a Jitsi meeting then the event details page shows two new button to connect to the meeting. The input fields are used to identify the attendee. This button and input fields are visible till the event ends. Jitsi can be launched then directly from within the browser. If the "Only tickets" setting is set to yes in the event, then only visitors with an active ticket can see the join form while the event author and super users can always see it.
These settings are the same for every calendar configured in the plugin.
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