
#7920 Zoom plugin

Parent Category:
Calendar plugins
Last Updated:
Allon Moritz, Tuesday, 22 October 2024 12:44
Wednesday, 24 June 2020 12:24

This feature is part of the DPCalendar Premium subscription.
SubscribePHP 7.4PHP 8Joomla 3.10Joomla 4.4Joomla 5


The Zoom plugin integrates Zoom meetings into DPCalendar and extends native events with Zoom online conferencing functionality. Means you can add a meeting number and password to a DPCalendar event and then it is possible to join the meeting directly from within DPCalendar.

Zoom Joomla integration

Import the Zoom users

In the following steps we tell you how to obtain the Zoom API keys and import the users with these keys. A more detailed step by step guid can be found in the official Zoom documentation.

  • Log in on the Zoom App Marketplace.
  • Click in the "Server-to-Server OAuth" box and then on "Create".
  • Give the app a name and click on the "Create" button.
  • Go through the wizard by clicking the "Continue" button and set the required field like developer or company name and E-Mail. On the "Scopes" step select the following scopes by clicking on "+ Add Scopes":
    • meeting:read:meeting:admin
    • meeting:update:meeting:admin
    • meeting:write:meeting:admin
    • meeting:read:list_past_instances:admin
    • user:read:list_users:admin
  • On the last step click on "Activate your app" and then navigate on the left step list to "App Credentials".
  • In another tab of your browser go back to your Joomla website and edit the Zoom plugin in the plugin manager.
  • Click on the import button in the plugin toolbar.
  • Copy the "Account ID", "Client ID" and "Client Secret" from the previously created Zoom app into the DPCalendar import wizard.
  • Click the "Import" button.
  • The connected users should be copied into the DPCalendar Zoom plugin.
Zoom server app

Display Zoom meetings within a calendar

After you have successfully imported the users from your Zoom account into DPCalendar, then you will see them in the plugin edit form. These accounts are treated in DPCalendar as calendars which can then be selected in a menu item. The meetings will be displayed in a menu item or module. Visitors are able then to join the meeting.

Connect a DPCalendar event with a Zoom meeting

When the Zoom plugin is activated and the author edits or creates an event, then there is a new Zoom tab available to connect the event with a Zoom meeting. You can then setup the meeting number, password, hashed password and a Zoom user. "Only tickets" defines if there is an active ticket needed to join the meeting, keep in mind that this setting is ignored for the author and super admins.

The Zoom calendar has an option to create a meeting. If this is set and an admin creates or edits an event, then the plugin is able to create automatically a meeting in Zoom and connect it to the event. To do that only a Zoom calendar must be selected in the event form and no meeting ID in the Zoom tab. So you can skip the step to manually create a Zoom meeting and assign it to the event.

Connect Zoom meeting with DPCalendar event

Join a Zoom meeting in DPCalendar

Is an event connected with a Zoom meeting then the event details page shows two new buttons to connect to the meeting. The input fields are used to identify the attendee. These buttons and input fields are visible till the event ends, afterwards it checks for recordings. Zoom can be launched then directly from within the browser or by opening the meeting in the app. That's where the hashed password comes into action, it is needed to launch and log in password protected meetings in the app.

If the "Only tickets" setting is set to yes in the event, then only visitors with an active ticket can see the join form while the event author and super users can always see it. The user groups setting restricts access to the meeting to certain user groups.

Join Zoom meeting from DPCalendar

Join in browser

To activate the "Join in browser" functionality you need to create a meeting SDK app and copy the keys into the calendar in the plugin. To get these keys, follow the next steps. A more detailed step by step guid can be found in the official Zoom documentation.

  • Log in on the Zoom App Marketplace.
  • Click in the "General App" box on "Create".
  • Modify the app title on the top left corner.
  • Click on "Basic Information" and set your web sites url as "OAuth Redirect Url", then click on "Continue" till you arrive on the "Embed" screen.
  • Activate the "Meeting SDK" feature and click on "Continue".
  • In another tab of your browser go back to your Joomla website and edit the Zoom plugin in the plugin manager.
  • Click on the imported Zoom account.
  • Copy the "Client ID" and "Client Secret" values into the Zoom account in the DPCalendar plugin into the "SDK Key" and "SDK Secret" fields.
  • Save the account in the Zoom plugin.
Zoom javascript app

Cloud Recordings

The Zoom plugin is able to display the cloud recordings of the connected meeting in the event details page. If there are multiple recordings with the same meeting id, then it does a timespan comparison and displays only the recordings which happened on the same day as the events start date.

Plugin Options

Meeting ID [Type: Text]
The meeting id.
Meeting Password [Type: Text]
The password of the meeting.
Meeting Password Hashed [Type: Text]
The hashed password of the meeting.
Meeting Calendar [Type: Sql]
The calendar where the meeting is happening.
The following options are available:
Only Tickets [Type: Dpradio] [Default: No]
Only for attendees with an active ticket.
The following options are available:
  1. Yes
  2. No
User Groups [Type: Usergrouplist]
The user groups who can access the meeting.
Show Recordings [Type: List] [Default: Inherit]
Should the recordings, when available, being shown?
The following options are available:
  1. Inherit
  2. Yes
  3. No

DPCalendar Options

These settings are the same for every calendar configured in the plugin.

Account ID [Type: Text]
The Server-to-Server OAuth account ID from the Zoom app marketplace. More information can be found in the docs.
Client ID [Type: Text]
The Server-to-Server OAuth client ID from the Zoom app marketplace. More information can be found in the docs.
Client Secret [Type: Text]
The Server-to-Server OAuth client secret from the Zoom app marketplace. More information can be found in the docs.
SDK Key [Type: Text]
The Meeting SDK key from the Zoom app marketplace. More information can be found in the docs.
SDK Secret [Type: Text]
The Meeting SDK secret from the Zoom app marketplace. More information can be found in the docs.
User ID [Type: Text]
The user id.
Create Meeting [Type: Radio] [Default: No]
Create a meeting in zoom when an event is created or edited for this calendar. It creates a new meeting only when no meeting ID is set.
The following options are available:
  1. Yes
  2. No
Show Recordings [Type: Dpradio] [Default: Yes]
Should the recordings, when available, being shown?
The following options are available:
  1. Yes
  2. No

Plugin Options

Caching [Type: List] [Default: Joomla]
Select whether to cache the calendar data.
The following options are available:
  1. Joomla
  2. Database
  3. Never
Cache Time [Type: Text] [Default: 900]
The time for the cache in sec.
Sync Start [Type: Text] [Default: -3 year]
The relative start date to sync from.
Sync End [Type: Text] [Default: +3 year]
The relative end date to sync from.
Sync Steps [Type: Text] [Default: 1 year]
The sync steps.

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