It is important that your visitors can add your event data to their devices and applications. That's why DPCalendar allows to export the events as iCal feed. If it is required that your site users can manage the events, then they can do that through the CalDAV endpoint of DPCalendar in their preferred app's on smartphones, tablets or any other device.
The links to the calendars feeds are displayed in the main calendar menu item, in the list of displayed calendars. Each feed type is explained below.
The feeds do contain iCalendar data which is compatible with the ietf calendar specification RFC 5545. Beside the default fields like DTSTART or DTEND, DPCalendar adds some custom fields which are prefixed with an X like X-URL or X-ROOMS. Below is an excerpt how an event entry does look like in the feed:
BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230406T080000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230406T120000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;UNTIL=20230606T235900 UID:983090F6-ABEE-4A65-839D-93D80FB0B283 SUMMARY:Tech Workshop CREATED:20230406T112431Z DTSTAMP:20230406T112431Z URL: DESCRIPTION:Some HTML content.. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p>Some HTML content.</p> LOCATION:Les Pilates 571\, 10123 New York\, New York\, United States GEO:40.75200000;-73.99300000 X-ROOMS:Thor X-LOCATION-DISPLAYNAME:Event Venue [Thor] X-ACCESS:1 X-HITS:0 X-COLOR:3366CC X-SHOW-END-TIME:1 END:VEVENT
The public iCal feed contains the event data for a calendar. More information what is the output can be found in the iCal data chapter above. The Google calendar ical export is also supported when a google calendar is displayed through the Google calendar plugin.
The iCal feed can be compiled with an url like below where the id is the id of the DPCalendar to export.
Webcal is a subscriber protocol for ics files. The webcal feed can be compiled with an url like below where the id is the id of the DPCalendar to export. More information what is the output can be found in the "iCal data" chapter above.
Every registered user on your site can generate a token in her/his profile editing page. When this token is set, then a private ical feed is available for the user. This allows them to subscribe to an iCal application unauthenticated as when they are logged in. This means that the access rules of the user do come into action. More information what is the output can be found in the "iCal data" chapter above.
The url for the ical feed looks then like below:
Every register user on your site can generate a token in her/his profile editing page. When this token is set, then a private webcal feed is available for the user. This allows them to subscribe to a webcal application unauthenticated as when they are logged in. More information what is the output can be found in the "iCal data" chapter above.
The url looks then like below:
DPCalendar allows CalDAV access to it's calendars. This means you can manage your events from your preferred event organizer app like Outlook, Thunderbird or iCal from Apple. Nowadays smartphones come with CalDAV apps too.
More information can be found in the CalDAV server article how to access the built in CalDAv server.
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