
#621 Upcoming Module

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Last Updated:
Allon Moritz, Thursday, 28 November 2024 08:53
Friday, 14 September 2012 22:23

DownloadPHP 7.4PHP 8Joomla 3.10Joomla 4.4Joomla 5


The Upcoming Module shows the upcoming events within your DPCalendar Joomla calendars. It comes with different layouts to perfectly fit the needs of your Joomla site. Each layout will be explained in the next chapters. The layouts can be changed in the advanced tab when editing a module.

Default layout

The default layout does show a vertical list of events with a CSS based calendar icon beside each event.

Upcoming module default layout

Icon layout

The icon layout does show a vertical list of events with an SVG icon beside each event.

Upcoming module icon layout

Simple layout

The simple layout does show a list of events with the event color as identifier. It is the most compact layout and can be used when very little space is available.

Upcoming module simple layout

Blog layout

The blog layout does show a vertical list of events in blog style. It renders similar to the blog menu item.

Upcoming module blog layout

Horizontal layout

The blog layout does show a horizontal list of events with a CSS based calendar icon beside each event.

Upcoming module horizontal layout

Panel layout

The panel layout does show a list of events as panels. This makes mostly sense to use when each event has an image.

Upcoming module panel layout

Timeline layout

The timeline layout does show a list of events as a timeline. It renders similar to the timeline menu item.

Upcoming module timeline layout

Custom layout

The custom layout does display the events from the custom output option in the module. The mustache codes are replaced with the event data. Custom fields, backlinks and locations are supported. More information about all the tags can be found in the Output rendering article.

Upcoming module custom layout

Useful hints

  • How to remove the date or time?
    If you don't want to display the date or/and time, put a space into the date or/and time option in the module.


In the counter module the admin can set different filters for the events to display only what is needed.

Text filter

The text filter does search in the attributes title, alias, description of an event.

Author filter

When filtering for an author, then only events of a given user are shown within the calendar. There is a special "My" option available which displays only events of the current logged in user.

Location filter

A filter to display only events from the selected locations.

Tags filter

A filter to display only events from the selected tags. Tags can be set while editing an event.

Featured filter

A filter to display only events which have the featured flag enabled.


  • Slowing down the site
    If you use the upcoming module and you have selected external calendars with a lot of events, then it is advisable that you set the End Date in the advanced module options to "+1 week" or so, otherwise it will fetch to many external events initially and slow your loading times.


Select calendar [Type: Dpcalendar]
The calendars which should be pre-selected. All subcalendars will be included as well also when deselected.
The following options are available:
  1. All
Date format [Type: Text]
The format of the date for an event (check for details). If empty the date format in the component configuration is taken.
Time format [Type: Text]
The format of the time for an event (check for details). If empty the date format in the component configuration is taken.
Max events [Type: Text] [Default: 5]
The maximum count of events should be displayed.
Sort Order [Type: Radio] [Default: Ascending]
The order strategy of the events.
The following options are available:
  1. Ascending
  2. Descending
Sort By [Type: List] [Default: Start Date]
By which field should the events be sorted.
The following options are available:
  1. Start Date
  2. Modified
  3. Added
Filter [Type: Text]
Find events whose title/description/location contain this string.
Description limit [Type: Text]
Specify how much text will be be displayed from the event description. Empty means unlimited.
Show Location [Type: Radio] [Default: No]
Shows the event location.
The following options are available:
  1. Yes
  2. No
Show Price [Type: Radio] [Default: No]
Show the price information.
The following options are available:
  1. Yes
  2. No
Show Booking Button [Type: Radio] [Default: Yes]
Show the booking button.
The following options are available:
  1. Yes
  2. No
Show Image [Type: Radio] [Default: Yes]
Show the image.
The following options are available:
  1. Yes
  2. No
Show Display Data [Type: Radio] [Default: No]
Should the data from content plugins like custom fields be displayed?
The following options are available:
  1. Yes
  2. No
Include ongoing events [Type: Radio] [Default: No]
Should ongoing events be included.
The following options are available:
  1. Yes
  2. No
Expand Events [Type: Radio] [Default: Yes]
Show the instances of a series or only the original event.
The following options are available:
  1. Yes
  2. No
Open in popup [Type: Radio] [Default: No]
Should the events be opened as a modal popup.
The following options are available:
  1. Yes
  2. No
Show Map [Type: Radio] [Default: No]
Should a map be shown.
The following options are available:
  1. Yes
  2. No
Map Zoom [Type: Text] [Default: 4]
The initial zoom level of the map.
Map Width [Type: Text] [Default: 100%]
The width of the map.
Map Height [Type: Text] [Default: 350px]
The height of the map.
Map Latitude [Type: Text] [Default: 47]
The initial latitude of the map.
Map Longitude [Type: Text] [Default: 4]
The initial longitude of the map.
Filter Author [Type: Dpauthor] [Default: None]
Filters events by author. If my is set, then only events from the currently logged in user are shown.
The following options are available:
  1. My
  2. None
Filter Featured [Type: Radio] [Default: No]
Show only featured events.
The following options are available:
  1. Yes
  2. No
Filter Locations [Type: Location]
Only show events for the given locations. If empty, the filter has no influence.
Filter Tags [Type: Tag]
Only show events for the given tags. If empty, the filter has no influence.
Default Menu Item [Type: Menuitem]
The menu item to open the events with.
The following options are available:
Show Empty Text [Type: Radio] [Default: Yes]
Should a text be displayed when no events are found?
The following options are available:
  1. Yes
  2. No


Date Start [Type: Text]
The start date, can be relative to now like '+1 day'. If you set 'start of day' then it will set the time to the beginning of the current day.
Date End [Type: Text]
The end date, can be relative to now like '+1 day'. If you set 'same day' then it will set the time to the end of the start day.
Event grouping [Type: Text]
Enter a date / time format for grouping (check for details). All events with the same format will be grouped under a header. e.g. enter 'd M Y' to group events per day. How the header should look like can be customized below. Leave blank for no grouping.
Layout [Type: Modulelayout] [Default: _:default]
Use a layout from the supplied module or overrides in the templates.
Custom Output [Type: Editor] [Default: <div class='mod-dpcalendar-upcoming-custom__events'>{{#events}}<p><a class='dp-event-url dp-link' href='{{backLink}}'>{{title}}</a> {{date}}</p>{{/events}}</div>]
Define a custom output for the events.
Module Class [Type: Text]
Custom CSS [Type: Textarea]
Custom CSS code which will be added to the HTML document.

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