The manual payment plugin can be used for any kind of offline payment, for example cash or through wire. The booking itself has the state On hold, when not changed in the settings, as soon as the user has finished the booking process. This means the web site admin needs to manually activate the booking when the payment has arrived on the bank account.
The DPCalendar manual plugin allows to add unlimited bank accounts or other information options to DPCalendar. When the plugin is opened in the back end, then you can click on the "+" button to add a new configuration. There you can fill the following fields:
The invoice is sent out as soon as the attendee has selected the manual payment provider and clicks on the confirm button. The invoice is rendered from the file /plugins/dpcalendarpay/manual/tmpl/invoice.php, means the site admin can do a layout override, when some adaptions are needed.
A special parameter in the invoice is the "bankInformation" parameter which contains the payment statement text from the payment provider configuration. The DPCalendar PDF options like header, logo or address are used in the invoice as well to be inline with the other system generated PDF files.
The subject of the mail is created from the language string "PLG_DPCALENDARPAY_MANUAL_INVOICE_SUBJECT_TEXT" and the message from "PLG_DPCALENDARPAY_MANUAL_INVOICE_MESSAGE_TEXT". The available variables are explained below.
The payment statement contains information how to transfer the money to the organizer. This text is used in the invoice. Initially the text is built from the language variable PLG_DPCALENDARPAY_MANUAL_PAYMENT_STATEMENT_TEXT, this offers the possibility to use different strings per language. The language string can be overridden in the Joomla language manager. If you have only one language in use, you can change the text of the plugin directly in the wysiwyg editor while configuring the plugin in the back end.
We are using the mustache templating system to inject and render variables in the language strings as described in the Output rendering article. Means you can use a variable like {{price}} in the string and it will be replaced with the real value. For every language string below are the following variables available:
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