
#8735 Convert plugin

Parent Category:
Media action
Last Updated:
Allon Moritz, Tuesday, 02 May 2023 16:29
Thursday, 26 August 2021 10:41

This feature is part of the DPMedia Premium subscription.
SubscribePHP 8Joomla 4.4Joomla 5


The "Convert" plugin offers the possibility to transform the image with different codecs into smaller sizes or even different file types while editing it in the Joomla media manager. The image is fully processed in the browser and is not sent to an external service. Like that we do ensure the best performance and GDPR compliance. Also the codes are loaded from the Joomla site as they are delivered as part of the installable package.

This plugin is heavily influenced by Squoosh and uses their codecs for image processing. Squoosh is one of the most popular browser image conversion and compression app and with this plugin we deliver it right into the Joomla core media manager.

Please read the Concept of image editing plugins article to get more information how to get started with the plugin.

Convert functionality for image editing

Image processing

As converting an image is a heavy process, the image will be processed when the "Convert* button is clicked and not on every form change. The processing itself is completely done in the browser.

The label below the button does show the original size and the size after the processing is done including the percentage of the transformation. If the image cents converted into another file type, then a message appears on the top indicating that when the save button is clicked a new file is created.

Convert result

Save with a new name

The plugin also adds a new "Save As" button to the toolbar list where the editor is able to save the image with a new name. This is handy when you edit an image and want to create an intro image with a different name and different sizes. Before that you had to go to the list download the file, rename the original one and then upload it again.

Convert save as action


The following options are available while to configure the convert process:

  • Quality
    The quality of the generated image.
  • Type
    The type to convert the image into. The following types are supported:
    • Avif
    • Browser JPEG
    • MozJPEG
    • JPEG XL (beta)
    • Browser PNG
    • OxiPNG
    • WebP
    • WebP2 (unstable)

For every type are more options available which we don't document here as they need deep knowledge of image processing.


If you need to apply the same configuration to multiple images, then you can create unlimited presets in the plugin configuration. These presets do appear in the presets list while editing the plugin. If you select one of these, then the form controls will change to the preset value.

Convert preset

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